Monday, 31 July 2017

Benefits of Vendor Management System software

If your organization has to do with a lot of external hiring of temporary staff, then vendor management system software would be a perfect solution to your problems. You can manage the entire recruitment process with a VMS as it offers one comprehensive solution. Below are some of the main benefits the software provides:

1. Control the hiring process

Job applicants send mail to the manager in an organization, and the supplier will send candidates directly to the manager. The recruitment desk is not included in this procedure, and employees do not appear in the system. By using the software, the hiring process becomes transparent as everyone including the supplier knows the status of every application as they are all integral part of the system. The entire process can easily be monitored in this single platform.

2. Improved administrative processes

By using the software, documents such as the candidate's declaration of good behavior and the curriculum vitae are stored centrally by the system, and their validity is automatically checked. The smart use of the software the signing of vital documents is assured. This eliminates scattering of a candidate's documents in different places such as the mailbox, servers or even paper.

3. Affirmation in contract agreements

When a company gets to hire a large number of external employees, the different number of prices contract becomes very hard to manage. Checks in the price agreement are carried out manually during the hiring process. This results to incorrect billing by suppliers which becomes a major frustration to the finance department. By using the system software, there is assurance of prices agreements within the platform which are automatically applied. Maintenance of the prices is executed centrally in the system and variables are easy to add. The error rate is, therefore, drastically minimized when the prices are centrally controlled.

4. Improved performance of the supplier

The manner in which vendors perform in a company determines its success. Companies are looking to reduce the number of its suppliers without significantly compromising their quality. Without the use of the vendor management software, it becomes very hard to know if the provider meets the quality standards. The software makes clear reports, so there is a clear insight if the suppliers are observing the previously agreed prices. It offers the metrics to measure and track performance. By measuring contract compliance, a company can provide accurate and actionable feedback that would motivate the suppliers to improve their quality control and standards which will, in turn, help you to achieve your goals.

5. Management of vendor risk

With the software in your hands, you can rate your company's risk with the data that you have from your suppliers versus the data that you need. To add to that, when the vendor performance is tracked and measured, the company can take actions immediately before they get to harm your bottom line. With the software, you get the key to view trends and early signals that could ruin your company.

By use of the software, your business will gain valuable insights that would significantly reduce risks, maximize vendor performance and also generally increase business efficiency.

Source: Click Here

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Top Benefits of Using Recruitment Process Outsourcing

RPO, Recruitment process outsourcing, is a kind of business outsourcing where a manager transfers all or part of the recruitment processes to an external service provider. The process outsourcing can provide its own or may assume the company’s technology, staff, reporting, and methodologies.

 Recruitment process outsourcing is still new for many businesses. Some companies may not realize that there are options available on how to outsource or improve the recruiting process, while others may stick with other solutions since that’s the only way it’s always done and that’s the way the employer likes to do things. If you are serious about the process and would like to know what it could do for your organization, then here are remarkable benefits associated with recruitment process outsourcing.

 Cost Effective

 This is among the top reasons why companies choose RPO solutions. By streaming the recruitment process, introducing best practice, appropriate technology and getting rid of any unwanted procedures; businesses can increase transparency of their hiring and significantly reduce recruitment costs. A recruitment provider can reduce recruiting costs by streaming the recruiting process and showing you how to find qualified candidates better and with less money and time.

 Focus On Core Business

 Whether or not a business has a dedicated recruiter or some recruiting function, most are not in the recruiting industry. Any recruiting activities and tasks will be outside of the core business functions and get the resources for core business operations. The third party service providers do not use any of the core business resources and enable business owners to find the skill sets they require without any distractions from business operations.

 Better Quality Hires

 Hiring CEOs who are pressed for time to fill a post, or have a large number of candidates to shift through, may not necessarily take a look at the qualities that determine whether or not the new worker will stick in that position. For a recruitment process service provider, that’s the primary purpose. They invest their energy, time and resources into screening, sourcing and presenting the cream of the crop regarding available skills to the client.

 Scalable Recruiting Capacity

 The process is preferred by companies experiencing seasonal spikes or rapid growth that makes it difficult to meet recruiting needs. The companies often outsource the recruiting process to control fluctuating recruiting activity’s impact on their business better. A major benefit of RPO is having a recruiting process in place that can scale up or down at any time, depending on the given requirements.


 By outsourcing the recruitment process, companies can rest assured that all recruits are adequately screened and compliant in line with adjustments, ensuring a uniformly high standard across all talent acquisition. The quality based approach compliance removes the burden from business owners and alleviates the potential for adverse outcomes as a result of any unwitting noncompliance.

 Competitive Advantage

 Small and startups companies usually lack same resources as the larger counterparts. The start-up’s companies can compete better if they outsource their recruiting process. A recruitment service provider can efficiently and swiftly find qualified personnel to help your small or startup business build its key staff and keep up with the larger companies.

 When companies outsource recruiting, it’s usually in direct response to specific business needs. It might be to save money, achieve process improvements, reduce turnover, or may recruit an issue of recruiting volume.
Source: Click Here